Saturday, October 8, 2011

Three Tips for Life Insurance

Life insurance is something that a lot of people consider purchasing because they are aware of the many benefits that it brings to their beneficiaries. Life insurance is one way to ensure that your beneficiaries will have the financial capability to maintain the lifestyle they are used to even if you have already left the world. This extra income will give them some time to adjust and to find ways to supplement the income that was lost when the insurance plan holder passed away. Because insurance is needed at a very crucial part of life, the process of choosing an insurance company must be taken seriously. Here are some tips for purchasing life insurance:

a.)         Understand your needs. One of the easiest mistakes to commit when purchasing life insurance policies is to purchase a plan that costs too much or provides too little returns. These problems may be avoided if you know what your needs are and know if you can afford to pay for the plan that provides for those needs. To compute for your need, remember to include your funeral costs, debts, and about a year’s worth of income replacement in the computation.

b.)        Perform life insurance comparison studies. Study the different life insurance companies, the different products they offer, the different terms, and rates they offer, as well as the different modes of payment they accept. This will give you a lot more options when it comes to the perfect plan for you. Most people simply look at one single company and then decide from their products. Look for an independent insurance broker to give you a broader set of options.

c.)         Keep the riders to a minimum. Usually, insurance agents offer riders or add-ons to your main insurance plan. Although they may seem intriguing at first offer, really think about whether you need the benefits they bring or not. Usually, these riders simply require you to pay a premium, but do not materialize into anything in the end because they address superfluous needs.

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