Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life Insurance: Questions to Ask

When choosing life insurance for the first-time, you may become overwhelmed. A lot of different articles will tell you a lot of different stuff; a lot of your friend will probably even pitch in their opinions about the matter. More importantly (and more confusingly), different insurance agents will tell you different things just to make a sale. But what are the things that you would need to know for sure? Here is a list of questions you must ask before purchasing some life insurance plans.

1.)     Does it answer the need? Life insurance grants monetary aid for your beneficiary or beneficiaries right after you pass away. Some plan holders choose to grant this amount in lump sum that is in one full amount, while others choose to give away the monetary aid monthly. Some other insurance companies allow the beneficiary to choose how much or how little to take or how often to take from the amount. This will all be based on what they use it for. Will they use it to live day to day, or will they need it for a business of some sort? Keep the needs of your beneficiaries in mind and remember to allot an amount that would cover for your debts, future debts, funeral fees, and maybe even to supplement for the income that was lost with your passing for about a year or two.

2.)     Will I be able to afford it? Most people look at the cover first before checking out how much they are supposed to pay for it. Remember, that while it may come as extra income for your beneficiaries in the future, it also comes as extra expense for you right now. You must only avail of an insurance policy that would require you to pay for an amount you can actually afford.

3.)    Is it the best plan available to you? Through a life insurance comparison study, find out whether the plan you want to avail of is the best plan at its range across the board. Are there other companies that offer better plans at better rates? A comparative study will lead you to answer these questions.

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