Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life Insurance: Timing is Everything

Life insurance, like most other investments is all about timing. The time when you finally avail of the life insurance policy will greatly affect how much your beneficiaries will receive as a payout after you have passed away, how much premium (the amount the insurance company will require you to pay) you would have to expend, and how much coverage the life insurance company would actually grant you. Although these concepts might seem vague for most insurance policy holders, and owners; the basic guideline is that the sooner you avail of the life insurance policy, the better value you can enjoy. 

The truth is, insurance companies play on the time value of money. Thus, the longer you invest your money in the company, the greater payout your beneficiaries will receive. Therefore, if you decide to avail of an insurance policy earlier in life, you will enjoy a lower premium rate, and if your beneficiaries will enjoy a larger payout or monetary aid when you leave the earth. This is one of the best ways to avail of decent coverage even if you decide to pay for cheap insurance. The fact that your money will stay longer within the company means that they will have more time to make the money grow; thus they can afford to pay your beneficiaries a larger amount even for a smaller premium rate. 

The most common mistake for most people who plan to avail of life insurance is to look for insurance when it is financially convenient for them. Unfortunately, this happens later on in life, when insurance companies offer a higher premium rate and a lower coverage rate. When a person realizes this, s/he then looks for cheap insurance that will provide a lower payout for your beneficiaries; and thus you will get the shorter end of the stick.

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