Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why It Is Better to Retire Early

There are times that people are forced to retire early because they can no longer work. And there also times people want to retire early to enjoy the leisure in life while they are physically strong and mentally alert.

While the retirement age is at 60 or 65 (depending on the country), the idea of retiring has changed so that it will include people who are able to work but choose not to continue. Maybe they have enough pensions or have accumulated enough savings to life to the fullest. There are more reasons for early retirement planning Geelong that you can consider when thinking of early retirement.

Advantages of Early Retirement

Retiring early allows you to set your priorities that you cannot do when you are spending most of your time at work. If you retire late you must have given so much of yourself to your company that you would not have reserved for your retirement.

Early retirement gets you out from the tyranny of the corporate managers; instead you can be your own boss, manage your own time and be the master of your own future.

Life is too short and it is all you get. Retiring will get you out of the office to enjoy life the way you should. If you retire at your 20s you can still make enough money so that you may not need to work at your 30s.

For many people, retirement is always associated to old age. But in the contrary it is not only the time to sleep or rest but the time to explore and see all the beauty around you. Retirement planning Geelong is like casting out negative elements that have occupied your mind and replacing them with beautiful plans for the future to prevail. Most of all, it is not wise to retire late in life because you might not have another chance to get it right.

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